Monday, June 27, 2016

Aurora Wings Blog Challenge #31, post 2

This is my second posting for the Aurora Wings Blog Challenge #31, and a post for the Aurora Wings Facebook challenge as well. 
Blog challenge is B&W + 1 Color
Facebook challenge is Cropped Image

So I chose the following image:

Japanese Woman in a Storm of Cherry Petals

And as for cropped, i cropped the original image down to 1" in size.

The original image is simply beautiful, 

The technique I used is Copic Water-coloring, I used the following refills: 100, and B05.

I do hope you all enjoy my take on these challenges. 

Friday, June 24, 2016

Aurora Wings Blog Challenge #31

This is my first time completing one of her blog challenges.
For the month of June, the challenge was grey scale plus 1 color. Below is the image I chose:

Woman with Stars in Her Hair 

I hope that you like my submission, I do enjoy coloring her stamps and I hope you enjoy my card as well.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Washtenaw County 4-H Ribbon Fund for Llamas

Spring has sprung in Washtenaw County, and the local 4-H llama/alpaca clubs are doing their best to prove that they are the best in their classes. Our 4-H llama handlers start each spring with a llama/alpaca chosen by their leader, or one that they own. They teach their animal how to walk on a lead rope and how to trust them. By the end of July, each youth will be ready with their llama/alpaca, and they will have the opportunity to present their skills at the Washtenaw County 4-H Youth Show......

You can read more at the following link:

You can also make a donation there as well ;)

Monday, February 29, 2016

2Cellos at the Fox Theatre in Detroit ~ February 26

First I'd like to thank Peggy W., for letting me know that the 2Cellos were in the US on their own tour. Below you will see photos that I took from the concert, which include videos of 90% of the concert. Mind you I killed my cellphones battery, recharged it and killed it again.  I have also found other peoples postings of their videos on YouTube, and I will post links to those as well. I hope you enjoy the images as much as I enjoyed the show.

Merchandise they were selling, shirts S-2XL (no shirt for me), tour program (yes I did get that), CDs, pencil case with pencils, and bow rosin.

While waiting for the show to start, they were playing a combination of their music videos and their photos.

This is a video of the film that they were showing. 

Here begins the run of the show, I will post as many videos as possible...